The Mojo Flow Show
Collaboration Competition

The next Mojo Flow Show is coming up on the 26th of March 2022!
The optional theme for the show is Collaboration!
So to try and make things a bit more fun we have decided to run a competition for the best collaboration act!

Mojo Flow has always been about promoting creativity and as we are now celebrating our 2 year anniversary we thought we would try and promote collaborative creativity with our next show.
We would like people to collaborate on the act they submit to the show to try and create something new.
It could be dancers working together, a musician and a dancer, a dancer and a videographer. Whatever you like!
We will be choosing the winner through a mixture of the Mojo Flow Teams choice and the amount of comments each act get in the YouTube chat while its streaming.
As a prize we will be awarding a £50 Amazon, Kookie Kaftan or Treasure Knot voucher to the winners!
To enter your collaborative work, use the submission forms below. All the normal submission guidelines should be followed.