The Mojo Flow Show
The Mojo Flow Shows are streamed for FREE on YouTube on the night. To comment on the live stream on YouTube you need to be signed into a YouTube / Google account. We also have a Zoom room open so that you can interact with other audience members and show participants, in the same way that you would at a live event.
The show is open to all kinds of performing arts and we want to
encourage more Musicians, and performers of all kinds to submit their work.
We are looking for a wide variety of acts for our next show. Previously we have had, Belly Dance, Flamenco, Pirates, Storytelling, History Detectives, Burlesque, Singers, Teachers and so much more!
To try and help you get involved we have created a submission guide with lots of common issues and helpful advice. You can read it by clicking on the link below:

The Mojo Flow Team will always do their best to use as many of the acts that are submitted to us as possible so we thought we would give you some insight into how we choose which acts to use.
If you want to be part of the show, and you have something created since lockdown started that you would like us to include, you can submit your videos to the Mojo Flow Team up until the 14th January 2023. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to use all submissions but the sooner you send something in the more likely you are to be included!