Course from Monday 9th May 6pm BST on Zoom £25 X5 weeks
When I was 12 I became ill with what was believed to be Glandular Fever (although blood tests were not conclusive). I just never really got well again. The same year my periods started and from month two I was in agony. It took 11 years before I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, which can only be diagnosed by an endoscopy. This operation coupled with a fall down the stairs the same year contributed I am sure, to me developing Fibromyalgia.
So I know a bit about chronic illness.
When I was 18 I found a bellydance class, I'd wanted to do it since I was a kid, I'd seen it on the tele, and thought, "I want to be like her". The first few classes I was able to do the warm up and some isolations, then I had to sit out and watch the rest. But each day I did a bit and by the end of the term I was able to do the whole class. Fast forward 21 years and this art form has given me a living, sometimes full-time sometimes part-time.
It's not cured me but it has given me a life.
I still have to manage; Migraines, IBS, Food Intolerances, sensitives to lights and smells, brain fog, poor memory, muscular aches, TMJ pain and teeth grinding, anxiety, depression and a whole lot more. But I keep dancing and it keeps me going, and without it I know I would be a whole lot worse off.
I think because bellydance works so much of the body you don't get too fatigued from it. A lot of activities such as sports tend to favour the upper or lower body, but bellydance works your feet, your legs, your torso, your arms and hands, in a multitude of ways. It's not just one activity repeated, the movements and muscles required vary so much.
Couple it with music, which works on the brain in numerous beneficial ways, plus colour from dressing up (optional) and texture also from costumes or just putting your hands on your body and feeling the muscles work - and you are getting a real sensory boost.
The class will be 30 mins long, with a 10 min question and answer session / chat to see how everyone is getting on and for you to get to know your fellow class members.
The video will then be available for you to work with over the next 7 days if you want to. Or if you can't make the live time of the class.
If you are unable to stand there will be seated options for you.
5 people will need to have enrolled by Sunday 8th May for this course to run. to enrol.

Fulya & Students - Bellydance gives a sensory boost.